GSM and 247 Connected Services special offer

Get in touch

You can use the form below to tell us more about how we can help you. One of our team will be in touch as soon as possible.

Sample form

How can we help you? *|I am interested in a KONE product or service|I want to contact KONE customer service

My message is about *|Maintenance services|Invoices|Ongoing project|KONE digital tools|A complaint|Feedback about KONE|Other

My query is about *|Installing new equipment in a new building|Installing new equipment in an existing building|Repairing or upgrading existing equipment|Maintenance services|Residential Flow in a new building|Residential Flow in an existing building|24/7 Connected Services|Other
Equipment/service type *|Elevators|Escalators|Doors|Smart building solutions|People Flow planning services|Multiple/other
Building type *|Residential|Office|Retail|Hotel|Leisure, education, special buildings|Medical|Public transportation and airports|Marine (e.g. vessels or offshore installations)|Other
Your role *|Architect|Builder|Resident|Housing board member|Facility manager|Building owner|Developer|Consultant|Other

Please notice, that when you submit this form, we will be collecting your personal data. For more information about personal data processing, please see our Privacy Statement.

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Are you interested in KONE as a corporate business or a career opportunity?

Corporate site

Would you like to find out more about the solutions available in your area, including the local contact information, on your respective KONE website?

Your suggested website is

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